Thursday, January 2, 2014

In 2014

In 2014 I will:
  • Read 24 books. (An attainable goal, although I sometimes miss it by half a book.)
  • See 12 films. (Easily attainable. Last year we saw 18. It's just that I sometimes get behind during the time in between the Oscars and school starting up. There's very little to see during this time frame because summer releases are often geared toward kids.)
  • Use a different cookbook every 7 to 10 days. (Last year I tried recipes from 19 different cookbooks. We just find that eating foods prepared in different ways keeps routine days from being dull.)
  • Read the CEB translation of the Bible. (I've never done this before, but I have successfully read other translations, so I'm not expecting a problem. And since I've loaded it onto my Nook, I won't get behind when I'm away.)
  • Be attentive to the person in the room with me. (This means that I will NOT be fiddling with my phone. I will answer it if it rings. I might check the weather. I will NOT check Facebook. I will NOT catch up on Words with Friends - so don't bother nudging me. I will give the person in the room with me my undivided attention.)
The first four are basically a "to do" list. That last one is a behavior change. It will be harder. But I think I'll be rewarded for it. When you're attentive to others, they are attentive to you. It will be worth it.

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