Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Getting it Wrong

I'm a fairly traditional person. I believe in honoring traditions. This post was going to be about the tradition of leaving the Christmas decorations up until after the Twelfth Night. While I'm somewhat familiar with the play by Shakespeare, and the traditions of the Tudor Court, I thought I would do a bit of research before I wrote anything, just to make sure I had it right.

Seems I had it ALL wrong. I thought it was bad luck to take the decorations down before the Twelfth Night. Turns out it's bad luck to leave them up past the Twelfth Night. I also thought that the Twelfth Night was January 6th. Turns out it's January 5th. Since I didn't put the decorations away until January 7th, I may be in for a bit of bad luck.

Not that I'm superstitious. After all, I didn't eat any black-eyed peas on New Year's Day, either.

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