Monday, December 2, 2013

More Than We Need

I cooked so much food on Thanksgiving Day that I didn't even notice that I forgot to cook the green beans. There was so much food on the table that I didn't miss the Yorkshire puddings, either. But the turkey, ham and vegetables made for a great meal on Thursday, and again on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It will probably be turkey pot pie tonight. And then I'll freeze the rest of the meat and stuffing. Thankfully, the vegetables and the pies are gone.

It seemed more a day of excess than a day of giving thanks. But it was indeed more than we needed, which seems to be the case with everything in my life. We have more food than we need every day, not just on Thanksgiving. Our house could be bigger, but it is enough. We have enough money to pay our bills. We have three vehicles for two people. We have more than enough "stuff". We have opportunities to travel. We have beautiful families, charming cats and good friends. And for these things I am thankful. Everyday.

What I've learned over the years is to count my blessings. Name them one by one. It's when I started counting other people's blessings instead of my own that I lost sight of the blessings I had.

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