Sunday, December 1, 2013

Inclement Weather

Having been born in northern Ohio and spending nearly half my life there, as well as spending a fair amount of time in England, I think I am well qualified to judge inclement weather. In my expert opinion, mid 40 temperatures with zero precipitation does not qualify. 

But apparently in San Antonio it does. Last weekend when we were there the river tours and the water taxis were closed due to inclement weather. Just not justified on Saturday at all. I will admit that on Sunday the temperature dropped from the mid forties down to the mid thirties. It was cold. Probably too cold for most people to want to sit on a boat. Not only that, it rained. A bit closer to inclement. Actually, freezing and rain combined definitely qualifies as inclement. But that didn't actually happen in San Antonio.

November 2013

I believe it had more to do with economics than with the weather. We were there last year at New Year's Eve and it was cold and drizzly. Not that much different from last weekend except that it was packed. Last weekend there were very few people in town. The Riverwalk was virtually empty. You'll notice the photo to the right has no boats in it and very few people. Quite rare in my experience.

2012 Christmas Lights
The Riverwalk is usually lit up beautifully for the holidays, but I don't think they turned the lights on last weekend. I know the lights were up because you could see that they were there as you were walking, but I don't think they were turned on. One night we ate at Morton's and another night at the Menger, so we might have missed the lights because neither of those places is on the Riverwalk. However, the night we ate at Boudro's we should have seen the lights if they were on. I don't remember seeing them and neither does Mark. What cheapskates!! Those of us who were brave enough to show up in the "inclement" weather should have been rewarded with something pretty to look at.

All in all, San Antonio was not warm and welcoming last weekend. Another reason not to go back when it's cold is that the heaters are just not up to it. We stayed at the historic Crockett Hotel. The heater struggled to heat the room and it was noisy. It didn't actually extend into the bathroom which relied on one of those heat lamps for warmth. While we were at Boudro's, there was a vibration and noise coming from the ceiling that sounded like there was a railroad track overhead. We asked our waiter what the noise was and he told us it was the heater. Very distracting.

But we did walk the Riverwalk. On Saturday we walked from the Crockett to the King William area and back and then to Market Square and back. On Sunday we walked the Museum Reach, and again, since no taxis were running, we walked back.

But if it's cold the next time we go, San Antonio is going to be in danger of losing it's spot on my favorite cities list. Just sayin'.

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