Saturday, November 9, 2013


I may have mentioned this before. We call our GPS Miss Smartypants. Even when she doesn't know everything, she sounds like she does. When she tells you to enter the roundabout and take the first exit, she does so with confidence.

It should be noted that when Mark first moved to the US, he set the GPS to speak with a British accent. I guess he wanted to hear a familiar sounding voice. He's moved past that now and the GPS is programmed to issue commands with an American accent. Which is why I had to listen and try to read the screen (you have to be quick - sometimes it doesn't appear on the screen for long) to know what she was talking about most times while we were in the UK. "Enter the roundabout and take the first, second, or third exit" is pretty easy. But there were some road names and town names that left Mark and me looking at each other and wondering "what did she say?"

Some of it was completely unintelligible. So much so that I can't recount it here because I have no idea how to spell whatever it was she said. But when you consider that this is a machine, programmed by code and algorithms and all of that, it's really quite amazing that it can speak at all. But what I absolutely loved was her pronunciation of Windsor. Winzah!

You could hear the exclamation point.

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