Monday, November 18, 2013

The Doldrums

It's my birthday. Not a milestone birthday, just an ordinary one. But I've been in the doldrums since Friday. There are things I need to do but I haven't done them. I spent most all day Saturday lounging around reading a novel. This is an activity that is typically reserved for after all the chores are done, or for sick days. I took the stance that productivity is over-rated. Why should I judge the quality of a day based on the number of items I've checked off my To Do list?

That being said, by Sunday I'd thrown out the To Do list. I did not get on the treadmill. I did not cook the Brussels sprouts. I did not finish the revised web content. I did not work in the garden. I went to church. I read a bit. I went to a movie. I went out to eat. Mark and I fell asleep on the couch watching one of the JFK specials. Another "non-productive" day.

And now here I am, older. Wiser. And ready to get out of the doldrums. I've already spent 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I've had a lovely cooked breakfast and surprise birthday gifts. I've returned all the phone calls. I'm now going to cook those Brussels sprouts, clean my bathroom mirror (I'm sure I'll look younger once I've cleaned it!) and then go to the post office and the bank. I may even go get my hair and nails done today. And I intend to clear all the paper off my desk! Yes, I'm out of the doldrums!

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