Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks

I just had a birthday. That's always something to be thankful for. But tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day set aside for giving thanks to God for His abundance. It's uniquely American. No other country celebrates Thanksgiving - at least not on the same day we celebrate it in America. In some ways I'm surprised that the government still sanctions this holiday, but then for most people (at least those who don't work in retail) it's more about stuffing their pie holes and watching football than giving thanks.

To me, giving thanks is sort of like counting your blessings. An exercise that should be part of your daily or weekly routine, not just an annual event. (Of course the real trouble starts when people start counting other peoples' blessings instead of their own.) I personally feel so very blessed. I am certain that I am God's favorite.

I can't see into the future. (I never could.) I've made plans that didn't work out. I still do. I've imagined what my life would be like in a year, or five years, or twenty years and it's turned out differently. What I imagined twenty years ago is so very different from my present reality. The amazing thing is that my reality is so much better than what I imagined or planned. And for that (and so much more), I give thanks.

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