Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Day at Wind Cave National Park

Wind Cave National Park has a cave and an abundance of wildlife. I have learned that all caves are not alike. This one features a formation called "boxwork" which is unique to this cave (according to the park ranger). We took the Garden of Eden tour, which is the shortest and least strenuous of the three cave tours offered by the park.

Boxwork visible in the lower right

Above ground we saw bison or buffalo, at fairly close range. (I thought I would learn the difference but they seem to use the names interchangeably in the Dakotas.) We also saw some antelope, although they were too far away to get any really good photos.

And it was much easier to get good prairie dog photos at Wind Cave than it was at Custer. They were just so cute. Love to have some as pets but they'd totally wreck your back yard. There are so many holes in the ground it's a wonder the buffalo don't trip.

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