Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Little Blarney

Years ago my dear friend Jane was telling me about her visit to Blarney Castle and kissing the Blarney Stone. She described a narrow, winding stone staircase and people holding her feet while she kissed the stone. She didn't have any pictures to show me and the images her descriptions conjured up in my head were odd, if not outright frightening, and 100% inaccurate. (Think of bats in caves.)

Having been there now, I can see what she was talking about. Except that people no longer have to hold your feet. Now there are iron bars you can hold on to in order to keep from toppling out of the castle onto the ground - a generous three story drop. So having someone hold onto your feet for that little extra security is not a bad idea either.
See that opening at the very top? It's in there.

This is the stone.
They were doing major renovations on the castle while we were there, so I had to choose my camera angles carefully in order to avoid scaffolding and plastic, which add nothing to the charm of a castle.

The grounds were lovely, but it wasn't the right time of year for the gardens.

They say that kissing the Blarney Stone will give you eloquent speech. Hmmm. I know some people who should go...

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