Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Bucket List

One of Mark's bucket list items has been to sit on a beach on Christmas Day with his toes in the sand and a pina colada in his hand. I'd always brushed this off because I thought it was frivolous. Christmas is about family and as long as we have family that still wants to be around us, that's where we'll be.

But then he spent that week in the hospital in Paris last year (needing 5 units of blood) and then another week in a Texas hospital with bouncing blood sugars and a pulmonary embolism - it just seemed like he should be able to do whatever he wanted to do. I was on board. Give me that bucket list!

So this Christmas, he got his wish. We sat on a beach on Christmas Day with a bottle of champagne and some pina coladas. Check that one off the list!

Now we just need to determine the next bucket list item. I'd like to go to India, or maybe a European river cruise, or navigate the Intracoastal Waterway from one end to the other. I've always fancied going to the headwaters of the Arkansas River and canoeing the length of it. Mark's wanted to repeat a trip he did across the US when he was in his twenties. And then there's a train trip through the Grand Canyon. So much to do. So little time.

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