Friday, November 14, 2014

End of Story

I received a check from British Airways - not for the "lost" luggage, but for the items I had to buy to survive a three week journey without my "stuff".

I'm okay with that. Since I eventually got my bag back and everything in it was in tact I am happy to be reimbursed for what I affectionately call "the Eurotrash" I was forced to buy. (Quite frankly, of the stuff that I bought, I only REALLY like one top that I bought in Manchester and one top that I bought in Switzerland. The rest of it was bought because I needed "something" to wear. That being said, I'm quite happy with the Marks and Spencer underwear!)

However, I was told on two separate occasions by two different British Airways employees that after 21 days, I would be reimbursed for the contents of the bag as well as the things I had to buy. (Our trip was 21 days and my bag didn't arrive until over a week after I got home.) Which is why I spent several days doing the research on what I'd paid for the items in the bag. (Glad I got it back because as I was unpacking it I realized that there were four items I'd failed to include in my inventory.)

So I was only reimbursed for the items I bought. No reimbursement for the numerous phone calls trying to track the bag, no remuneration for the time spent (days) completing the claim form for stuff they had no intention of paying for, and no compensation for pain, suffering or mental anguish.

But I can't say I'm surprised. Based on my experience with British Airways, the thing they do best is tell lies.

If I'm ever on a British Airways flight again, it will be because all other airlines have stopped flying to London. End of story.

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