Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Eden Project

The Eden Project is not your average botanical garden. It was very impressive. Who would have thought they could take an old quarry and create a rainforest and a Mediterranean climate under plastic? It's all about ecology and being green. If you want to know more about it, click here.

It was a bit pricy. You are forced to buy a year's membership, which is something we wouldn't have chosen to do, but at least the price included parking and the shuttle bus. It rained a bit off and on the day we visited, but it didn't matter because we could stay inside the biomes when it was raining and walk through the outdoor gardens when it wasn't. There were more healthy food options than junk food and the only negative was that there were too many crying babies and whiny children for a place called "Eden".

Here are some of the pictures we took.

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