Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Biltmore Estate

The Biltmore Estate is gorgeous.  I could live there easily, as long as I have a full contingent of servants to bring me whatever I left in the other room. The views are fantastic. The amenities are perfect - well except for the pool. It's a must see. Only problem was the stairs. The elevators are only for family. It killed me. 

But see for yourself how beautiful it is. 

And the views and the grounds! The view below is from a verandah/balcony on the second floor looking out over what I assume is the estate. 

The grounds are immaculate. 

We also learned a few things about the Vanderbilts while we were there. Apparently they paid New York City wages to the people who worked in the house and on the grounds. To me, this is double-edged. Obviously they had no shortage of people who wanted to work there. Employees were treated and paid well. For many, it was the first time they had a bed of their own without having to share with one or more siblings. But the other side of that is that the people who worked there were paid extravagantly by local standards which may have messed with the local economy. It wasn't a question I wanted to ask. 

But the thing that impressed me is that during the war, the Vanderbilts took many of the art treasures from the White House and hid/stored them on their estate at no charge to the government. They looked on it as an honor and a privilege. How many billionaires do we have today that would be willing to do that? 

I've visited a number of "stately homes" in the UK and this one  definitely meets and in many instances exceeds that standard.