Monday, September 14, 2020

I Can't

I can't bring myself to write anymore. Not right now. Even though it's the perfect time - at home with not much else to do. 

I've started. I have about 8 blog drafts and I can't bring myself to finish any of them. In fact, this one was started back in August and I only decided to finish it today when I started yet another one and couldn't complete it. When they get to be a year old I'll most likely delete them. 

I often wrote about the places we went and the things we did. Well, we haven't been anyplace since November and it doesn't look like we're going anywhere other than the grocery store anytime soon. I sometimes wrote about things that happened when I was a kid. I guess I'm losing my sense of humor because nothing even remotely amusing comes to mind anymore. Maybe I've already covered the amusing things and the stuff that remains is just scary.  (Or maybe it just seems scary now.)

Even though I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen over the last six months, I'm not ready to be a food blogger. I find them annoying. If I'm reading your food blog it's because I want to try your recipe. I don't care how much your husband and children love it and by the way, there are programs that can fix your spelling and grammar. (See how snarky I'm becoming?)

I've never really written much about politics and the truth is I don't want to write about political issues. There are so many people who do that much better than I can. And all it would do is deepen the divide between me and some people I think of as friends. (Then again, are they really friends if they can't accept that I don't share their views?)

But I'm going to keep trying. I might succeed.