Monday, February 25, 2019

The Painted Churches of Schulenberg

I  found out about these churches a few years ago when a friend did the tour. They are in that stretch of Texas between Houston and Austin that was settled by German and Czech immigrants. They stretch from Fredricksburg to Schulenberg, but the highest concentration is in Schulenberg.

Tours are recommended but we didn't have time for that so we did a self-guided tour. Because we got a late start, we only managed to see three of the four in the Schulenberg area.

Thankfully, we stumbled on St. Mary's Church of High Hill first. It is the queen. Even though the exterior is brick, (the others we saw were wood) there was nothing on the outside that would tip you off to the grandeur of the interior.

Saints Cyril and Methodius

St. John the Baptist

One day we'll go back to see the rest of them.